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The past week I have been in spaces co-teaching Reading and Writing using a mix between the Lucy Calkin's resources and the Reading/Writing Strategies book we just received. We planned out guided reading/strategy lessons, and made sure learners' book bags were filled with meaningful books so that when they went to Independent Reading- they were engaged. The book boxes were filled with: books on their level with a mix of 1 or 2 levels above their level, non-fiction books, and a free choice book.

*If you weren't able to make the Fedex on Small Group Instruction- (it was all about the above), and interested in learning more about it- please let me know. I would love to chat with you and share what was presented!

But please remember, we must go slow to go fast. If you are looking into revamping your ELAR block or ANY block, it is encouraged to start with ONE thing, and go from there so you do not get overwhelmed. I'd love to be your partner along the way to help not get overwhelmed, too.

**Remember during your "Learning" Focus during Team Time-bring a resource of your choice to learn more about and share out any take aways with your team. That is what that time is meant for- to learn AND to learn from each other.

What do we do if learners are not reading at grade level?

*Try using the Leveled Literacy Interventions Kit with your learners

Feel free to check out the folders with Melinda! This is a great intervention for all grades to use for reading and to bring to your RTI meetings with Ashley. It is intensive guided reading lessons for your learners that are not reading at grade level. The black and white readers would be great to add to your learners' book bags for the week (but left at school). If you have a learner that is on the watchlist or RTI for reading and have never used the LLI kits, please book me and I can walk you through how to utilize this kit!

*Try using the Lucy Calkins "If..Then.." Resource with your writing and reading conferences:

This is GREAT to use with your reading and writing conferences. The part in this book that looks like THIS (near the end of the book, around page 70 or so). It offers suggestions of what you could say to your learners, and what you could do with your learners that are struggling with that particular reading or writing strategy.

*Try using different menus for those individual learners:

I collaborated with a designer on creating two different ELAR menus for her groups of learners that were above grade level and for the ones that needed extra support.

We pulled activities to reach her learners' needs, and we created two ELAR menus. I was invited into her space to co-teach with her and facilitate during the "menu time". I am excited to see her learners engaged in activities that are on their specific level and engaged so that she is able to pull learners for small group instruction.

Is this something your class needs? Schedule me and lets plan out some differentiated menus!

As always, please let me know if I can come teach with you, plan something out, OR learn something new with you! I am currently reading through Guided Math- and excited to share about this. Stay tuned! :)

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